Contract Optimization
Contract Optimization

FedEx and UPS Contract Optimization
Harness our data and former FedEx and UPS executives to get the best contract possible.
Lamprey Systems’ specialists first complete a comprehensive contract analysis using 3-6 months of shipping data to set a true overall value that takes into consideration all discounts, incentives, surcharges, and accessorial fees. Lamprey Systems then develops a KPI (Key Performance Indicators) report that outlines the main data sets in relation to the shipping carrier(s) services. In conclusion Lamprey Systems develops an executive summary of all the findings and delivers a strategy with the client’s needs and goals in mind. All proposals are reviewed and discussed with client after a detailed impact analysis is performed using past shipping data and real life operational scenarios.
Benefit from over 20 years of experience analyzing UPS/FedEx contracts.
- Use a proven RFP methodology for maximum savings/results
- Take a proactive approach to negotiations vs. reactive.
- Target the best incentives and terms that meet your needs and not just the carrier’s margins
- Gain access to critical KPI’s and data for daily operations
- Contingency model where you are guaranteed savings!
Get an even closer look at how Lamprey can help.
We know that total shipping costs are rising faster than ever, despite decreasing performance levels. Many workers have more responsibilities and less time to do them. That’s why we’re here to help.